
Summer Camp Spotlight: Spark Summer Learning

By Lindsay Rogers, Director of Spark Summer Learning, a program of the Foundation for Lincoln Public Schools April 1, 2024

Spark Your Child’s Future! Take a moment to slow down, and you will instantly see STEAM in action. Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics constantly advance and impact our lives. From science innovations like new agriculture solutions and developments in food safety to engineering marvels like nanomaterials and conservation-minded construction, from technology advancements like artificial intelligence and robotic-assisted surgery to mathematic revelations like modeling cell growth and mastering math equations used in manufacturing. And, then, there is art. What seems separate from science, technology, engineering, and mathematics is closely related and imperative to the critical thinking processes that lead to such incredible advancements.  

Register today at:

  • Weekly themes of science, technology, engineering, art, and math
  • Flexible scheduling for parents
  • Weekly rates and sibling discounts
  • Guest speakers, field trips, and time at the pool

Key Information:

Hours: 7:30 am-6:00 pm (excluding federal holidays)
Grade Range: K-5
New this Year: Camp Crew - for students who have completed 6th-9th grade
Sessions: Weekly from Wednesday, May 29 - Friday, August 2, 2024
Food provided: Breakfast, lunch, and snacks
Location: Holmes Elementary School, 5230 Sumner Street, Lincoln, NE 68506
More Info: Spark Summer Camp weeks 4, 7, 8, and 9 are FULL. Register for 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10.

Yet, when we think about these mind-blowing advancements, we rarely consider the childhood of the researchers, inventors, and professionals who made them possible. We don't think of the ah-ha moments that excited them about STEAM as a child.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the United States will see a 10.8-percent increase in STEM jobs between 2022 and 2032, compared to the 2.3-percent growth in non-STEM careers. Those jobs will command significantly higher wages. In 2022, the average annual salary for STEM workers was $97,980 compared to the average yearly wage of non-STEM workers at only $44,670. So, what does that mean for me – a parent of elementary children? It means I need to engage them in STEAM learning now to prepare them for solid job prospects in the future. It may seem like I am starting a bit prematurely, but research shows that if a child is not engaged in high-quality STEAM experiences before the age of eleven, they are not likely to continue their STEAM learning or choose a STEAMcareer.  

Engaging children in STEAM explorations can be as easy as walking through your neighborhood and counting the different kinds of trees you see. Or making a new recipe and exploring the different ingredient measurements. But it can also mean heading to summer camp! Spark Summer Learning is a STEAM-focused summer camp specifically for elementary students. Each week explores a different STEAM theme – from veterinarian sciences to coding, animal adaptations to interstellar investigations. Spark provides care from 7:30 am – 6:00 pm and breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack, which is essential to working parents. With amazing hands-on lessons, expert guest speakers, field trips, and friends, Spark will surely "spark" your child's love of STEAM.

Learn more at SparkLincolnLearning.orgWe can't wait to explore, wonder, and learn with your child this summer!