
Social Networking Website Study: for ages 12-18

By Lori Hoetger October 11, 2017

We are looking for teenagers age 12-18 to test a new Social Networking Website. The process will take about 45-60 minutes on UNL's campus. Your teenager will answer a few questions and set up a profile and look around the Social Networking Site while we take his or her heart rate and skin conductance. 

What is skin conductance? (Skin conductance is measured with electrodes on the pointer and middle finger of the participant's non-dominant hand. Heart rate is measured with electrodes on the inside of the participant's wrist and on the participant's ankle. We do show the parents the electrodes and adhesive pads prior to beginning the study. The adhesive pads are less sticky than a bandaid. )

Teenagers must come to the lab with a parent or accompianied by a legal guardian. Your teenager will receive a $25 Amazon giftcard in exchange for his or her participation. Please contact if you are interested.