Our readers ask great questions and we recently had a local mom ask us where is the best place to donate toys in Lincoln so that they get into the hands of local kids who need them? Whether you are Marie Kondo-ing your house or your kids have just outgrown their toys this list of organizations that will help to ensure that your toys are given to local children.
People's City Mission-People’s City Mission was founded in 1907 to help struggling folks get back on their feet. For over one hundred years, we have assisted more than one million men, women, and children suffering from homelessness and poverty – people struggling with chemical addictions, fleeing domestic abuse, mental illness, divorce, abandonment, unemployment, and other life crises. Drop off goods at the Help Center on 6800 P Street (behind the old Hancock Fabrics Building). The Help Center is open Monday through Saturday 8:00 AM-5:30 PM and Sunday 12:00 noon-5:30 PM.
Barnabas Community-Barnabas Community offers free clothing, books, toys, household goods — and hope and hospitality — to all that walk through our doors. We do not charge for the store’s merchandise or activities in the community center, but first-time shoppers must complete minimal paperwork to be eligible to shop.Donation hours are Thursdays: 9:30am-12:30pm & 6-8pm and Saturdays: 9am-3pm. Barabas Community is at 931 Saunders Ave.
The Good Community Neighbor Center- The Good Neighbor Community Center provides an environment that meetsbasic human needs and provides culturally sensitive services offering social, educational, and physical direction. Individuals and families are empowered with positive life-changing skills, making a tangible and intangible impact in the community. Additionally, the donations that they accept can be given to the Friendship Home can residents can "shop" for free. Donation drop off hours are Mon - Thur: 8 am - 4 pm and Fri: 8 am - 12 pm
Macie’s Place-Macie's Place is a family resource center. To offer Families a helping hand, not a hand out, to build a healthier, happier foundation for a successful life and a stronger community. We do NOT have an income requirement. Located at 2601 N 47th St, Tuesday-Friday 10:00 AM-5:00 PM and Saturday 10:00 AM-4:00 PM.
Cedars only accepts new toys as they are gifted to children for birthdays. The only used gifts that they take are large toys like toy kitchens or work benches but they must be very gently used.