
Lincoln Easter Egg Hunts & Activities in 2019

By Mary Monahan April 10, 2019

Enjoy Easter egg hunts over the next week including hunts with story times, games, crafts, activities and photos with the Easter Bunny. To learn more about click on the link. You never know with spring weather so check to make sure that the event is happening if there is inclement weather. 

Friday, April 19

Saturday, April 20

Sunday, April 21

Want to know about all the great family events in our area? Click here to get a free weekly email from Macaroni Kid that helps you plan your week with your family! Every Thursday at 3:30 PM, you'll get Lincoln's family fun in your inbox. Click on the title of any event to get the full information.


Friday, April 12

Saturday, April 13

Sunday, April 14

Wednesday, April 17