
Lincoln Outdoor Summer Concerts 2019

By Mary Monahan May 16, 2019

Did you know you could go to a FREE outdoor concert almost every night in Lincoln? How many cities can say that? All of the concert series' listed below are kid-friendly and some are pet-friendly. Most suggest bringing your own chair or blanket. Some concerts have food trucks on site or are near restaurants; otherwise, you can pack your dinner and have a picnic. We break down parking, bathrooms, seating and food options for you. 

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Garden Performance Series at Lincoln Community Foundation Garden
May 1-Sept 25, Wednesday Afternoons
12:00 noon
It is only one hour and is played in an urban garden just a few blocks from Lincoln Children's Museum. The few chairs that are at the venue are taken quickly so bring your own or plan to sit on the ground. This garden has a lot of fountains and ponds. If you have little kids I would pack a change of clothes because despite the signs that say "No Wading or Swimming", kids always end up wet. This concert is downtown so plan some extra time to find parking and walk to the garden. You can bring a lunch or buy it from the many restaurants in the surrounding area. This is one of my favorite concerts to bring very young children to since it is only one hour. You can go to the Children's Museum beforehand or afterwards. Enjoy your lunch hour in the sunshine!

Noteful Times: Friday Nights Live at SouthPointe Pavilions
May 31-Aug 23, Friday evenings
6:30 PM-8:30 PM
This concert gets pretty full when the weather is nice. You can sit and enjoy the music for the evening or stroll in and out of shops at SouthPointe while listening. Grab takeout from your nearby restaurants. There is plenty of parking available and there are bathrooms aplenty!

Jazz in June at the Shelton Sculpture Gardens
June 4-June 25, Tuesday Evenings
7:00 PM
For a great seat, come early with a blanket or lawn chair to mark your spot. Since it is summer it is much easier to park on campus during the school year. Arrive early to find parking and walk to the concert area. You can purchase your food from a food truck at their farmers' market ahead of time. The atmosphere at Jazz in June is lovely. Between the sculptures and the trees, it is a very unique concert but these concerts are great but very crowded. I would suggest bringing chalk with you and parking yourselves by a sidewalk if you have little ones. Market starts at 5:00 PM and the concert starts at 7:00 PM. 


Lincoln Municipal Band at the Shildneck Bandshell in Antelope Park
July 7-Aug 18, Sunday Evenings
7:00 PM
The series features a variety of themes to suit all musical tastes. Bring blankets and chairs. Antelope Park has public restrooms near the playground and lots of available parking. We really enjoy these concerts. We take our kids to Antelope Park from 6:00-7:00 PM to play (and hopefully wear them out) and then we all listen to great music and eat a picnic dinner. There is a lot of green space around the Bandshell which is not only for concert viewing but also for kid running space. It is a lovely way to start/end your week.

Stransky Park Concert Series at Stransky Park
May 23-August 1, Thursday Evenings
7:00 PM
Audience members are encouraged to bring a blanket or lawn chair. Parking is available on the streets of the surrounding neighborhood and drivers are reminded to leave driveways unblocked. You can walk up to a couple of blocks if it good concert weather. Dog owners should take responsible steps to keep the event pet friendly. My kids LOVE this concert space. There is a water feature, a playground and green space to play. Stransky Park is also fenced almost all the way around so if you are a parent of a "runner" (aka someone between 1 and 3), this is a bit less stressful than most concerts. However, it is almost impossible to keep kids away from the fountain so a vigilant eye on children climbing on slippery rocks is key. Bring your dinner along to this concert and a tip for the performer.

Wednesday Nights Summer Courtyard Parties Serie
June 12, July 10,  August 7, Wednesday Evenings
5:30PM - Family Friendly. Free.
This special night will feature live music from area bands, food,    drinks, kid’s activities (face painting, balloon animals) and an    inspiring message from Pastors Patrick Messer and Jim Keck. Bring a    lawn chair and join the fun. Rain or Shine. In case of inclement    weather, the event will be moved indoors. 5:30-6:15pm -Dinner    (freewill donations) and desserts. 5:30-6:15pm-Live music    entertainment, complimentary face painting, balloon animals, and    more. 6:15-6:45pm-Inspiring mid-week worship.

If you want to know more about any concert check our calendar!