I have been to quite a few surprise birthday parties over the past couple of years and they have come with big milestone birthdays: 40, 50 and last week a surprise 70th birthday. The 70 year old's party was different than everyone other surprise birthday that I have attended.
There wasn't any, "Oh you shouldn't have" or embarrassment while people sang to her. She had the biggest and most joyful smile on her face when a barbershop quartet showed up to serenade her. The birthday girl didn't glance around her at everyone watching her, instead she glowed as they sang just to her. It made my heart happy to see her take in the moment and reminded me to enjoy the moment. She was thrilled to be celebrated and why shouldn't she? She is 70, that in and of itself is an accomplishment.
It can be difficult to be celebrated. We are taught to be humble and not to gloat. It seems almost wrong to enjoy a heartfelt compliment. I find it hard and I will often play them off as jokes.
"I like your dress." is responded with, "Well, it is better than pajamas that I ordinarily wear." or "You look pretty today" is met with, "You should have seen me an hour ago. Whew, it was not good." One of my friends stopped me recently and said, "Just say thank you. They are trying to be nice." The next time someone compliments me or is kind to me I need to think of the birthday girl and say thank you and take in their kindness and generosity.
Have a good weekend (enjoy this spot of good weather!)