I'm trying to teach my daughters to take their embarrassing moments in stride and laugh at themselves when words and actions go awry. Life is much easier when you can laugh at yourself.
There aren't many days that go by that I don't embarrass myself in one way or another. Yesterday for instance, the city showed up to replace our water meter and when they asked me where my water meter was, I pointed to it and he said, "Ma'm, that is your gas meter. Water meters are usually inside the house. How bout we look in the basement?" Turns out I had been stacking various pieces of luggage all around my water meter for years and had no idea.
A few days ago I was at Target and saw approximately 65 people that I knew. While standing in the checkout lane, a nice woman behind me said, "Sweetie, you only have mascara on one eye. You know that right? I just wouldn't want you to be going anywhere else without fixing it if you wanted to." Target, was in fact, the last place that I had been that day. My errands had included several places where I had been wearing mascara on just one eye. Now, if you are a brunette this wouldn't be a big deal but my eyelashes are essentially clear.
One of my most embarassing moments was I once went to a Dr's office and I had accidentally worn two completely different shoes. The shoes were different colors, even different heights. In my defense, I was seven months pregnant and couldn't really easily see my feet. The worst part though? The doctor was a podiatrist and I was visiting because my foot hurt. It took me about 15 minutes to convince the nurse that my foot didn't hurt because of the two different shoes but for a real medical reason. At least once a year my husband asks me to tell this story because he still laughs and laughs.
Enjoy your weekend (and the weather!)