
Meals for Children and Families During COVID-19

Food Distribution

By Mary Monahan March 16, 2020

If you have a child that would normally be receiving a free and/or reduced lunch from LPS the temporary closings of schools is affecting you more than many others. Below is information about food distribution from public resources and private. Thank you to everyone who has worked so hard to ensure that members of our community don't go hungry.

Food Distribution

From Lincoln Public Schools

LPS said the change is in an effort to limit the amount of person-to-person contact time in our community.

On Thursday, March 19, LPS Nutrition Services will provide children grab-and-go meals for Thursday, Friday and Monday. Each child will receive three breakfasts and three lunch meals. No meals will be distributed on Friday, March 20, or Monday, March 23.

Then on Tuesday, March 24, children will receive five breakfasts and five lunch meals. The distribution of food from that day forward will be once per week - every Tuesday - during the school closure. Meals will continue to be distributed at the eight sites from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. or until supplies last.

Children 18 and younger are eligible for meals. The child does not need to be an LPS student. Meals are also available to persons with disabilities, ages 18 to 21, who participate in LPS programs.

Children are no longer required to be present when picking up meals.

·   Belmont Elementary School (3425 North 14th Street)
·   Arnold Elementary School (5000 Mike Scholl Street)
·   Hartley Elementary School (730 North 33rd Street)
·   Park Middle School (855 South 8th Street)
·   Lincoln High School (2229 J Street)
·   Northeast High School (2635 North 63rd Street)
·   Calvert Elementary School (3709 S. 46th Street)

Food Bank of Lincoln (Food BackPacks and Food Pantries) 

Schools with LPS BackPack Program:
For those families currently receiving BackPacks from the Food Bank of Lincoln, they intend to continue distribution of BackPacks on the regularly scheduled Friday afternoons. They will begin BackPack distributions according to each school's regularly scheduled dismissal time and continue for 30 minutes.          

School Food Markets:
At this time, Food Markets will temporarily take place outside the school building during the school’s regularly scheduled day and time. To simplify the distribution and increase health and safety, most of the food will come pre-bagged, except produce, bread and meat, which will be bagged onsite. Look for us to be set up in areas close to the front door of your school.

LPS Emergency Pantry:
Following our standard LPS closure policy, the LPS Emergency Pantry will NOT be open while LPS is closed. For more information about accessing the Lincoln Food Bank distribution locations visit their website:

Matt Talbot

Everyone is welcome to walk through our open doors and get a hot meal two times a day. 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m and 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. 7 days a week

Granite City Food and Brewery

If you are at all concerned about your children having access to lunch, please stop by Granite City Food and Brewery in Lincoln, Nebraska. Every child will get a free lunch of a turkey sandwich, chips, and fresh fruit. No purchase is necessary.

If you are unable to come to the store to pick up lunch, please give us a call at (402) 466-1900 and we can arrange delivery.

Is your organization/place of business providing food or meals? Let us know so we can add you!