
Lincoln’s Little Free Libraries: Take a Book- Leave a Book

Plus More Littles in Lincoln

By Mary Monahan June 24, 2021

Chances are you have seen a Little Free Library in Lincoln. We are home to a lot of these wonderful creations; there are over 100 Little Free Libraries in Lincoln.

*Scroll down for info on the Little Free Puzzle Exchange and Little Free Pantries

Little Free Libraries (LFL's) offer a way to share books to read, free of cost.  

How does it work? If you see a Little Free Library, check it out! They are for the public to use. Inside you will find children's book and adult books, non-fiction and fiction. See something you like? Take the book.

Later, return the book or bring books and/or brings books to add to a LFL.

My absolute favorite Little Free Library design which is only there during Halloween!

Who puts up and takes care of these libraries?
They are created and maintained by private individuals but they belong to everyone.

Where are they located? Check out the map to find one! If you are lucky you will have one within walking distance of your house. We have two on our street! (map)

I love LFL's and check them out often. We also go through our books and once or twice a year and do a big delivery of books to the LFL's in our neighborhood. Thank you to all the Little Free Library Stewards!

Also in Lincoln: Little Free Pantries and a Jigsaw Puzzle Exchange!

Little Free Pantries: Where They Are and What They Need
You can exchange or drop off puzzles at the Asian Community & Cultural Center. 144 N 44th Street, M-F, 9 to 5. Park and enter on the east side of the building.


Jigsaw puzzles engage both sides of your brain, improving problem solving skills and short term memory.  Puzzling can be a great way to enjoy alone time, connect with family or friends, relieve stress, and relax.

Please follow these guidelines:

  • Borrow a puzzle or even swap one out with one of your own.
  • If you have puzzles to trade, please don’t take more than you brought.
  • When donating/trading, please make sure puzzles are clean, with no missing pieces. It is best to place puzzle pieces in a plastic bag inside the puzzle box to prevent loss.  Extra gallon-sized bags can be found on the top shelf of the Puzzle Exchange.
  • Sometimes people do not mind putting together a puzzle with a few missing pieces.  Please clearly mark on the outside of the puzzle box if pieces are missing.
  • The bottom shelf is reserved for children’s puzzles.


The Little Free Pantries movement is a neighbor helping neighbor, citizen helping citizen, human helping human movement. 

How can you help? The next time you are at the grocery store purchase food that doesn't go bad when in the elements (it gets cold in Nebraska in the winter and very hot in the summer!). Canned vegetables and proteins, personal care items, and paper goods are good items for a LFP. Then on your way home, put those goods in a LFP. Lincoln is home to several Little Free Pantries and a lot of good people who will fill them so that our fellow Lincolnites don't go hungry. Click here for the map of the Little Free Pantries in Lincoln.